Innovative Installation

Solar PV Panels

Innovative Installation

Location: Leatherhead
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DW Energy was approached by a commercial client in Leatherhead who was looking to save money on their electricity bills and meet their carbon reduction targets. The client had a high energy usage building that was consuming a significant amount of energy from the grid, leading to substantial electricity bills. In addition, the they were keen on reducing their carbon footprint and moving towards sustainable energy solutions.

To address these concerns, we suggested the installation of a solar panel system on the building's roof, which would harness the power of the sun and generate electricity on-site. After assessing the client's energy usage and roof space, DW Energy recommended a 109 kW solar panel system, comprising 270 solar panels and two inverters that could produce 40-49 kW of power.

However, the installation was not without its challenges. The client's building had a non-flat roof, which meant that each panel had to be individually engineered to ensure that it laid flat. Furthermore, the roof sloped towards gullies on the inside of the building that the panels couldn’t obstruct. To overcome this challenge, DW Energy's team had to be innovative and fit the panels in a way that would still allow for optimal drainage and create walkways between the panels for engineers to access the guttering easily. To ensure that the solar panel system functioned optimally, DW Energy also installed a weather monitoring system.

The installation of the solar panel system has resulted in several benefits for the client. First and foremost, the client has reduced their dependence on the grid, leading to significant savings on their electricity bills. Additionally, the installation of the solar panel system has helped the client to achieve their carbon reduction targets, making their operations more sustainable.

If you're a business owner looking to save money on your electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint, DW Energy can provide you with customised solar panel installation. Contact us to learn more about their services and how they can help you achieve your energy goals: 01273 466707 |


  • Location: Leatherhead, Mole Valley 
  • Fitted: 270 solar panels, 2 inverters, 1 weather monitoring system, 2 solis 50kW inverters

Saving money. Living sustainably. Staying up to date with technology. Whatever your reasoning, get in touch to see how easy going solar, or fitting an EV charger is. 

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