Running a Sauna on Solar Power

Solar PV Panels
September 1, 2022

Running a Sauna on Solar Power

Client: Worthing based customer
Sector: Residential
Location: Worthing
Price range:
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Domestic Installation, Worthing

Our Worthing based customer was seeing a steep increase in his energy bills like many other people in the UK. He wanted to reduce his impact on the environment and find a way to lower his energy bills.

He got in touch with DW Energy and described what he wanted to achieve from his installation. After an initial assessment of his home, a total of 18 solar panels were installed with a battery storage system that allows him to use even more of the energy produced by his panels - and store it for later use!

The customer provided us with screenshots showing the energy produced, used and stored on a partly cloudy day. The below statistics were taken at noon in late September.

At this particular moment in time the customer is producing 4,181 watts of solar energy, with only 543 watts of it needing to be used - leaving the remaining 3,380 watts to charge his battery for use later in the day when he needs it most. He told us that the installation has been “a real game changer” and allowed him to reduce his reliance on traditional electricity providers. Best of all, he can run his infrared sauna for free!


  • Location: Worthing, West Sussex
  • Project Duration: 2 weeks 
  • Fitted: 18 JA Solar 385W panels, SolaX 5kW Inverter & 5.8kW SolaX Master battery supplemented with a 5.8kW SolaX Slave giving a total storage capacity of 11.6kW 
  • Outcome: Between early August and mid November the customer has generated 1,816 kW of power and saved a total of £173 on his electric bill. This is without having registered for SEG payments, which could have added an additional £193 to his bank account! DW Energy continues to monitor this customers install remotely via the SolaX portal to ensure his system is running at optimum performance. 

Saving money. Living sustainably. Staying up to date with technology. Whatever your reasoning, get in touch to see how easy going solar, or fitting an EV charger is. 

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